The students are supposed to reach the school 5 minutes before the school starts. School gate will be closed sharp at the time when the 1st bell rings & entry of the students will be restricted after that.
Students should be very neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days. No relaxation is acceptable in this regard. THE UNIFORM OF THE STUDENT WILL BE CHECKED DURING THE ASSEMBLY OR AT ANY TIME DURING THEIR STAY IN THE SCHOOL B Y THE STAFF OR BY THE PREFECTS and defaulters will be punished.
Half Day/ Short leave will not be given on any ground due to safety reasons. Parents are directed not to send their wards if they are ill or their wards are required for any work at home.
The School reserves the right, to terminate the schooling of students for unsatisfactory progress in studies or whose conduct is a bad percept for others.
The students should converse in English only in the school premises.
Students should maintain discipline and observe good manners.
Criticism of the teacher or the school in the presence of a child should be avoided by the parents.
Every child should take proper care of the school property. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the Class Teacher Principal & damage cost will be realized by the student.
Expensive things are not to be brought to the school.
Every student should take care of his/her private property. Money should not be lent or borrowed. The school is not responsible for the goods lost.
Students suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to continue classes until he/she recovers from it and submits the medical certificate from a doctor.
Two wheelers, bicycles must be properly locked and kept in the cycle stand. School will not be responsible for the vehicles/bicycle kept out-side the school premises.
Students should actively participate in various activities.
Every student should carry his/her school diary to the school every day.
The warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective classrooms. This should be done in silence. Changing of class rooms during periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.
Shouting, whistling and running in the corridors are strictly prohibited.
The students should bring tiffin, napkin and handkerchief daily.
Students will not be permitted to leave the school during the school hours.
Students should attend festivals and functions celebrated in the school.
Visiting hours for meeting the Director/Principal – 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Parents are requested to meet the Principal as per their requirements only during the stipulated time.
Taking leave during working days is strongly discouraged. Parents are responsible to make up for the loss of the studies in case of leave taken. The school will expect these students to be at par with the class in every way and that must be ensured by the parents only.
Celebrating birthdays, festivals and partying in the classroom is strictly prohibited.
To ensure safety sharp objects like blade, knife, scissors, needle should not be sent to school.
Every student will go home only by school transport/authorized transport or with the authorised escort of their own. Regarding authorization of the escort, parents are requested to submit a written authorization letter. The school should be informed immediately in writing about the change of authorized escort.
Parents must bring ID proof in case of visiting school.
For safety and security, parents should refrain from sending money with their child without specific written notice from the school.
Pay all the fees for your ward on time else name of your ward may be struck off from school roll due to non payment of fee.
Entry of names of students in Attendance Register in next coming months will not be done if fees is not paid for previous months.
Parents must attend PTM organized by the school regularly as per the schedule given in the Almanac.
Parents must not interfere in school’s policies, however written suggestions can be given when & where it is required.
Parents must not misbehave with the school staff & all kind of matters must be solved with dignity & silence.
Parents will not enter the bus & will not interfere in any matter problems of the bus. They have to inform the school authorities for necessary action.
All kinds of complaints of the parents must be given in writing in complaint box.
Activities likes Bullying, abusing, fighting, teasing cyber bullying are punishable and students will be rusticated in all such cases.
It has been observed with dismay that students turn up late to the school which is undesirable. Henceforth latecomers will be sent back home if they report after the school gate is closed. This practice will be followed even on test days too & no relaxation will be given in their regard. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
No Half Day Leave will be given to the student even on test days also.
In case of emergency, parents should submit, written application request along with the photocopy of ID proof for taking their wards during school hours.
Parents should co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress, paying attention to their punctuality, regularity and discipline. They should take interest in their child’s studies & other activities.
Valuable articles like gold/diamond jewellery (chain & danglers), facial make up like eye make up & bindi, henna decorating palms & feet, colouring hairs are strictly prohibited in the school. Electronic gadgets (mobiles, i-pod and camera) are not permitted inside the school premises as per CBSE school rules. If found, the articles will be confiscated and will be returned only after 6 months. If such instances are repeated, then the child may be asked to leave the school.
Accidents caused by non licensed students will not be the responsibility of the school. Parents can give two wheelers to their ward only at their risk. However it is strictly suggested by the school that all the students must either avail bus facility or must come with parent escort to school.